Only individuals who are applying for Student or Full Membership need send Evidence of DBS/PVG Enhanced Disclosure documentation. For Full members who are in private practice, details of how to obtain a DBS/PVG as an individual are available here” other organisations that offer individual DBS/PVG appplications are also available – just type DBS for individuals into your search engine.
Individuals applying for Student or Retired Membership or to become an Associate need to enclose the relevant fee with their completed application form. However, those applying for Full Membership should not forward their membership fee until they have received notification that their application has been successful. All initial applicants must pay the administrative fee of £10 when submitting their membership form.
No, in order to register as a BAPT Student, Full Member or Approved Supervisors you are required to submit evidence of your Disclosure & Barring Service Enhanced Diclosure/PVG.
Individuals who have successfully completed a qualifying course in play therapy which is recognised and accredited by BAPT will be eligible to apply for Full Membership by completing the standard Full member application form .
Overseas-trained applicants practicing in the UK will have to provide evidence of equivalence of their training qualification by completing the NAIRIC equivalency in addition to the Full membership application form and the portfolio Route to Full membership application form.
The Portfolio Route to Full membership is intended as an alternative path to Full membership for practitioners who have completed a course of training which results in the Qualification of Play Therapist but is not accredited by BAPT, and / or who have substantial practice experience, and are currently practising in the UK. The portfolio route incurs a £200 ‘scrutiny fee’.
At present, students who are registered on BAPT accredited Play Therapy courses are the only individuals eligible for Student Membership.
Applications for Full Membership, Student or Retired Membership or to become an Associate are normally processed within 2-3 weeks.
The membership year runs from October 1st to September 30th. Individuals whose applications are processed after April 1st in any year are eligible for discounts of 50%.
In order to change the status of their membership, individuals must complete the BAPT Membership Application Form for Full Membership and enclose the relevant additional documentation and information (please refer to Membership Application Form).
Student members who have completed their training but have not yet had official confirmation of their qualification should renew their membership as a Student and once their play therapy qualification has been confirmed, an application can then be made for Full Membership the fee paid for Student renewal will be deducted from the Full Membership Fee due. The fee for first year of Full Membership post Qualifying is at a reduced rate of £110.
Any individual who is interested in Play Therapy may apply to join as an Associate, regardless of where they reside. Any individual enrolled on a BAPT accredited qualifying course is eligible to apply for Student Membership.
Individuals who have successfully completed a qualifying course in Play Therapy which is recognised and validated by BAPT will be eligible to apply for Full Membership provided they can produce documentary evidence of this, as well as evidence of a recent UK police check, written information relating to their supervision arrangements, and they reside in the UK.
Individuals who have trained overseas who are currently residing and working in the UK are also now eligible to apply for Full membership, via the BAPT Portfolio Route subject to evidence of equivalence of their professional training qualification, the provision of Embassy references and other criteria (see application document for specific requirements) Individuals who have a Play Therapy Qualification from a course which is NOT accredited by BAPT can apply for Full members via the Portfolio Route.
A Play Therapist’s practice, including their supervision, is governed by the BAPT document ‘Ethical Basis for Good Practice in Play Therapist’. This stipulates:
“All Play Therapists, including Supervisors, are required to receive on-going, appropriate, formal and regular supervision independently of their managerial relationships. Supervisors have a responsibility to maintain the good practice of Supervisees and to protect clients from harm and bad practice.
Supervision must be provided by an appropriately qualified and experienced Play Therapist, except where no such Play Therapist exists in the geographical region. In such circumstances the Play Therapist must receive supervision from an appropriately qualified and experienced Child Therapist.
Supervision must involve face to face contact, except in circumstances where physical distance between the Play Therapist and an available Supervisor precludes such contact.
Play Therapists must receive supervision adequate to maintaining their level of competency, functioning and good practice.”
If it has been more than 3 years since you were last registered as a Full Member of BAPT, you will need to complete a new Full Membership Application.
If it’s been less than 3 years since you were last registered as a Full member, please contact us at and we can advise you how to proceed.