benefits of joining bapt

Benefits of Joining BAPT

Why make BAPT your professional organisation?

Assurance of your professionalism is now essential for those of you who work with in the United Kingdom. We are the UK’s first Play Therapy organisation; currently representing over 400 individual’s interests,  Full Members, Students and Associates of BAPT, both nationally and within the international arena. By choosing BAPT, you will be demonstrating to professionals and the general public that you practise responsibly and professionally to high standards.

On joining BAPT you will benefit from our professional support, carefully developed service,  our professional staff, volunteers and your fellow BAPT members. As a part of the UK’s leading voice for Play Therapy, you will also find yourself with a valuable opportunity to influence the future of the Play Therapy profession.

BAPT’s work is defined by our members who participate in shaping the short-term and long-term goals of their own organisation.

BAPT recognises the variety of theoretical approaches within Play Therapy. Therefore, BAPT is proficient in nurturing a diverse group of people and therapeutic styles within a common frame whilst pursuing the goal of professional development. We are committed to supporting and encouraging all our members to grow and develop as professional practitioners.

Practise knowing that your professional registration protects you

BAPT is proud of its high standards, good reputation and its wide range of products and services. We hope that you will take advantage of all that BAPT has to offer, from training information right through to individual registration and further continuing professional development.

The Professional Standards Authority Accredited Register programme was set up to provide assurance on the standards of registers of unregulated health and care occupations. Being accredited by the Authority offers enhanced protection to anyone looking for Play Therapy services – people now have the option of seeking practitioners on a register that has been vetted and approved.

Benefits of BAPT Membership

  • E-Newsletters
  • Free subscription to British Journal of Play Therapy (Reduced price for Associate Members)
  • Reduced BAPT Annual Conference Fee
  • 10% discount on key BAPT publications
  • Access to occasional discounts and offers negotiated with relevant suppliers (books,toys etc)
  • Access to the BAPT website members’ area (Not applicable to Associate Members)
  • Access to current debates and issues surrounding Play Therapy
  • Free registration into British Register of Play Therapists (Full Members only)
  • Access to Professional Play Therapy Community
  • Access to Good Practice Frameworks
  • Afford safety to the Public (BAPT Complaints Procedure & part of the PSA Accredited BAPT Register)
  • Photo Identity Membership Card (Full & Student Members only)
  • Increased Professional Status
  • Access to Play Therapy Employment Opportunities (Full Members only)
Membership categories

BAPT Membership categories

You may join BAPT either as a Member (Full, Student or Retired) or as an Associate. Please select by carefully reading the information on each category. All Membership applicants must agree to abide by the BAPT Ethical Basis for Good Practice in Play Therapy and are subject to the Complaints Procedure therein. This does not apply to Associates who are not covered by these policies. The BAPT membership year runs from 1st October to 30th September annually. You may join at anytime during the year, Fees are adjusted for those joining later than 1/2 way through the membership year.

Full Member

Full Membership is open to any person who fulfills the criteria for membership, Individuals who have successfully completed a qualifying course in Play Therapy which is recognised and validated by BAPT will be eligible to apply for Full Membership provided they can produce documentary evidence of this, as well as evidence of a recent UK police check, written information relating to their supervision arrangements, and they reside in the UK.  Also, applicants who have successfully completed the BAPT portfolio route can apply for full membership.  All applicants must also provide evidence of valid current Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance.

Full members have the right to vote at the AGM and to stand for election on to the Board of Directors. Full members receive a photo-identity membership card and access to Play Therapy employment opportunities. Names of all full members will appear on the online BAPT’s Professional Standards Agency Accredited Register of Play Therapists  which will enable members of the public to ensure that their therapists are appropriately qualified. Full Members can also request to have their name and contact details listed on the Find a Therapist listing of Play Therapists available for private work, which is made available to people and organisations seeking a qualified Play Therapist.

To apply for Full membership please see our Join page.

Portfolio Application Route

If you have achieved an appropriate University Level Qualification in Play Therapy, you may be able to apply to BAPT if you complete our Portfolio Route. The Portfolio Route is also accessible for Overseas-Trained applicants working in the UK.

Full membership of BAPT may be awarded by completion of a Portfolio application to those who are able to demonstrate they meet the rigorous criteria.  The multiple components of this Portfolio Route are explicitly mapped onto the core professional and personal competences of a Play Therapist as defined by BAPT.  The portfolio represents the equivalence of what a student on a BAPT accredited Master’s course is expected to evidence in their Competence Log, the final substantial submission at the culmination of their clinical training.  The portfolio is thus intended to ascertain parity of professional standard to that of an applicant who has successfully completed a BAPT accredited Play Therapy training programme

BAPT understand that embarking on a process of application for an PSA accredited register can feel daunting, especially if you have been though similar processes before.  BAPT would welcome your application and aim to support you through this as easily as possible. 

Overseas trained applicants will also need to arrange an UK ENIC statement of comparability

Please read our Joining BAPT Portfolio Route document for more information. 

To apply for the Portfolio Application Route please see our Join page.

Student Member

This category, at a reduced subscription than Full membership, is open to any person who is registered on an accredited BAPT training programme.

To apply for Student membership please see our Join page. 

Newly Qualified Student

Firstly Congratulations! In order to join BAPT and be registered with us as a Newly Qualified Play Therapist.

Recognising that starting work as a Qualified Play Therapist is likely to incur some additional costs, and to reflect on the hard work that you will have completed in order to Qualify, we are offering the first year of Full membership post Qualification at a reduced fee of £110 to those who have been BAPT Student Members. 

To apply for Newly Qualified Student Membership please see our Join page. 

Retired Full Member

This category is open to BAPT Full Members who have retired from all paid work, and also those who have retired from direct work with children but who are still available to offer Supervision. Retired members offering Supervision will be subject to requirements of approved Supervisors, please refer to supervision pages for information. Retired Members enjoy the majority of benefits that Full members have, but are not included on the Register of Qualified Play Therapists. Retired full members remain able to vote at the AGM.

To apply for Retired Full Membership please see our Join page. 

Associate Membership

Any person or organisation interested in the field of Play Therapy may apply to become an Associate of the British Association of Play Therapists. Associates receive:

To apply for Associate Membership please see our Join page. 

Approved Supervisor 

Applications to become an Approved BAPT Supervisor are welcome from Qualified Play Therapist’s who are part of a PSA accredited register, with a minimum of 3 years post qualifying clinical practice experience.

To apply for Approved Supervisor Membership please see our Join page. 

Appeal against Unsuccessful Membership Applications

If your application for Membership of BAPT is unsuccessful, you have the right to appeal against this decision.

Please review our Membership Appeals Procedure.

If you have any issues with your membership please contact us by our contact page and select the membership drop down option.